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Introduction to Virtual Interview Analytics

Article written by Rayanne Thorn Krueger for

The Power of Data

Technology allows us to change and improve outdated hiring practices. The data capable of being automatically captured can reveal what’s working, what isn’t working, and how best to shift. However, it is important to remember that gathering this data isn’t enough – it only has impact if it is studied and understood.

Remote video interviewing gained popularity over the last 20 years, initially used to reduce the costs associated with expensive executive recruitment – when flying candidates in for second and third round interviews. Costly video conferencing equipment quickly gave way to streaming video technologies with the growth of Skype. The early 2000s saw many technological advances in video conference meetings — and we couldn’t be more ready when the 2020 global pandemic hit.

But being ready and being prepared are not the same thing.  

Preparation is key for a successful recruitment experience – preparation sets both candidates and recruiters up for success.

Being prepared is an advantage – and with a candidate-driven market, hiring companies need as many advantages as possible. Part of that preparation includes the opportunity to create and have a more efficient hiring process that addresses the need for a diverse and qualified candidate field.

Where is “Interview Analytics” Today?

Technology is instrumental to the process of how we recruit. The evolution of the recruitment process continues with the further development of  tech and the job market being blown wide open by world events over the last two plus years. Efforts continue in the work to remove bias from the hiring process to create greater diversity in the workplace.

And still, there is data unread, unused, or lost. Why? — This is a great question that we will eliminate with exposure and the right technology.

When recruiting and interview data is gathered and deciphered, from both candidates and recruiters, what is gained? — Knowledge.  And from that knowledge, we are able to either cement or alter practices. Recruiters and their practices can be developed and improved by the use of analytics and breaking down the data revealed.

You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure

This is true for any kind of organizational transformation. It’s pretty profound when you think about what is missed, as well as what has gone unmeasured or ignored in interviewing / recruiting.

10 Insights from Remote Interview Data:

  • Signals of unconscious bias
  • What do candidates feel
  • Empathy
  • What candidates said
  • Why employees stay
  • Why employees leave
  • Where there was too much / not enough consideration
  • Recruiter Communication Behavior
  • Talk-Listen Time
  • Nescience: What You Don’t Know

Lasting DEIB Change for

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ABOUT the author Rayanne Thorn Krueger

Rayanne was hired to produce written and design content for Humanly’s website and social channels.: LinkedIn and Instagram. This article, Introduction to Virtual Interview Analytics, was written for their website and first distributed in March 2022 to all social channels and through email marketing.

Rayanne Thorn Krueger
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