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Game Changer 03: The Think And Do Effect

Welcome to Episode 03 of Be A Game Changer: The Think And Do Effect Take action to win the game of business and life! A series that provides the light, the path, and your map to a better future!

Discussion guide from Episode 03: The Think And Do Effect

1. What does it even mean to be a game changer?

2. Game changers recognize that life is a game, and they play to win.

3. Bill provides a quick overview of the Think And Do Effect.

4. Most people overthink and never do. And some people Do without thinking it through. Too many people never think AND do.

5. The key is this: once you think about an important action to take, you do have to actually take immediate action to move the ball forward.

6. Winners often win because they take action first.

7. If you wait until the situation is perfect before proceeding, you will lose. It will NEVER be perfect…

8. “The shorter the distance between thought and action, the greater the likelihood of success.”

Think And Do Effect9. Game changers take immediate action after an intelligent thought.

10. By not taking action, you lose momentum and credibility.

11. How do you know when you have thought enough about a potential action?

12. Design and lead verses reacting and following. Reacting is playing someone else’s game, and that NOT what game changers do.

13. In football (and in the game of life), it’s better to hit than BE hit…

14. Failing forward: when you think and do, you will sometimes make mistakes. Don’t let fear of mistake prevent action. Rather, look at those types of mistakes as learning opportunities…

15. How important is instinct here? It is a driver of confidence in think and do.

16. With regards to instincts, can you improve your instincts? Or is the bigger issue actually listing (and trusting) your instincts?

17. “You have to think deliberately and act decisively.”

18. How do you think deliberately?

19. The importance of creating your own environment (and how this is part of defining the rules of the game YOU are playing)…

20. When you DO, how do you deal with the naysayers? Taking action will usually result in someone reacting negatively. (Honestly, you need naysayers — they give you guidance on where you are).

21. Game changers don’t let naysayers deflect them from their path…

22. You have to become your own force multiplier.

23. Make momentum your ally.

About the co-host, Bill Wooditch:

Game ChangerBill is a keynote speaker and peak-performance business training coach. He is a mentor and advocate for those who actively seek and are determined to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

He began his career with $200 to his name, a suitcase, one corduroy suit and two ties. Retreat wasn’t an option; there was only one way – Always Forward! His purpose, energy and conviction fueled his meteoric sales success. In two years, he “found a way and made a way” to become the top salesperson at Liberty Mutual – a company employing over 19,000 people at the time. Ready for the “next challenge”, he was recruited by and joined the 6th largest broker in the world, Corroon & Black (currently the Willis Group), where, for two consecutive years, he earned the distinction as the top producer in the company.

Today, he is the founder, CEO, and president of The Wooditch Group, a privately held risk management and insurance services firm. The Wooditch Group provides client-centric solutions and comprehensive risk management programs for domestic and international clients whose revenues range from $10 million to over $3 billion. He is also the founder of Think Next, Act Now!, a company that trains and mentors tomorrow’s entrepreneur today.

He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Purdue University and his Master’s degree in Public Administration at Penn State.


You can find Bill’s book here:


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Todd Schnick

One Comment

  1. […] The Think and Do Effect. The distance between deliberate thought and audacious action is the compelling difference in most activity. The shorter the distance between thought and action, the greater the likelihood of success in the endeavor and the inverse is also true. The longer we delay, the longer we wait, the more we waste time; someone somewhere is creating an opportunity from the void that was once our chance to seize it. […]

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